Anon 12/19/2023 (Tue) 03:40 No.9074 del
Didn't see that here:

>The python script I made and am using to index it definitely downloads way less than ipfs's built-in method (I'm pretty sure this is still the case)
Dammit, I guess an update to kubo broke the minimal-download part of this:

That python script worked in the related software of a 64-bit computer, but it isn't working identically in the software of a 32-bit computer (either due to a kubo ipfs update or something else). Who cares? This matter for indexing multi-terabyte IPFS folders without having to download multiple terabytes. In the past I could almost certainly completely index a multi-TB IPFS folder and only download like <1GB from that whole process by using that .py file.

NSFW image from
Nearby files in that folder which are maybe online in a high-latency way:

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