Anon 12/19/2023 (Tue) 03:50 No.9075 del
I guess this thread has reached the bump limit.

Not a big fan of how Twilight's head/face was drawn in that.

>minimal-download feature doesn't work anymore
I can tell that this is the case from looking at the output of this:
>[32-bit laptop]$ ipfs repo gc | sed "s/.* //g" | xargs -d "\n" bash -c 'for args do echo $args; grep $args bafybeifemum5o7icqdt4xtvgddobsmtc6u7pnfxiq7ij5z3bw6o433coza.index.txt; done' _
Possible solution: update to not run "ipfs object links bafk..." (on leaf nodes); hopefully I won't end up with non-leaf-node blocks in the repo from indexing after that theoretical update.