Anon 12/20/2023 (Wed) 21:25 No.9091 del
In that general in that other imageboard there were some posts about how had some MLP-related content which is now inaccessible or gone. There was some other posts about another online Library of Babel; those can be partly summarized by saying: cannot easily save links to whatever archive-focused site unless the URL is not-so-high-latency or cached. Might be cached by now, or not:

I read this soon after thinking about pony-related palindromes --
-- I came up with some. Stupid list:
* Rag, USSR, egg in a man, a pony, no Panama niggers, sugar
* Kino it Celestia, ha, it's election, IK.
A palindrome is a word, phrase, or sentence that can be read he same forwards and backwards. The full names of each of the mane six mares are not very palindrome-friendly. Advertisement from a palindrome generator webpage.