Anon 12/21/2023 (Thu) 01:59 No.9095 del
(19.14 MB 1920x1080 6344705.mp4)
>horse-focused ad from Google
Sometimes I use Google to search for "super specific" things. Based on what I searched, I guess it learned about my interest in MLP and equines. Having anyone or certain entities who knows who you are specifically and know many of your specific interests is not great (unless you want them to know). This is why privacy is important. "Google knows about my interest in horse pussy." In the previous sentence, replace "Google" with "My mother" or "My entire family"; all three cases are not fantastic. Everyone has something to hide, and if they don't, they will in the future. Even if it is nothing possibly embarrassing, being deprived of the ability to have secrets/privacy is bad. (And you may not think of some things as embarrassing/negative but some entities might think it is then judge/annoy you or something based on that knowledge of you.)

It's crushing when a HDD is basically/seemingly dead and I did nothing wrong to result in its failure. The only maybe bad thing I did was use an older USB cable that might be bad. Not sure if it realy was bad, and if it was, would that even matter? Perhaps I was unlucky or ripped off by the manufacturer or other related entities. With all SMART Attributes bellow, UPDATED=Always. In bad health:
>$ sudo smartctl -a /dev/sdc # z4 ->
>[!]Raw_Read_Error_Rate[...]24 \ [!]Reallocated_Sector_Ct[...]0
>[!]Current_Pending_Sector[...]30 \ [!]Power_On_Hours[...]4380 \ [!]Seek_Error_Rate[...]0
>Spin_Up_Time[...]1875 \ Load_Cycle_Count[...]4449 \ Start_Stop_Count[...]423 \ Temperature_Celsius[...]51
>$ sudo smartctl -a /dev/sdd # z8 ->
>[!]Raw_Read_Error_Rate[...]In_the_past 214 \ [!]Reallocated_Sector_Ct[...]0
>[!]Current_Pending_Sector[...]20 \ [!]Power_On_Hours[...]1775 \ [!]Seek_Error_Rate[...]0

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