Some Notes Anon 12/21/2023 (Thu) 06:52 No.9096 del
(3.05 MB 3854x3994 ItsNow2023.jpg)
Okay, started a new thread:

Previous Thread
Should've probably put that in opening post. Might still edit it in at some point.

Also, 3000 posts, if one traveled back to that thread, back in the innocent days of 2019, when the show was still on the air I imagine they would look like pic related now to their past selves now.

The Pegasi and Cerberus anchors are based off this:>>8123 Might it evolve into something resembling this idea? Maybe, maybe not. I still feel it is a useful organization system regardless. That and the third anchor are meant for easy navigation of a messy thread and allow things to be (relatively) easily findable. It may not workout that way and I know anchor posts can be hit or miss on how well they are used. We will see how it goes, I do think of anything, a special anchor for emergencies and such is usable regardless. A lurker who only checks in sometimes would know what is going on (at least as far as /go/'s own collective awareness of emergencies). Since some interest has been shown I'll see where it goes (as well as looking into YT's feed analyzer:>>8413).

I wanted to make a thing highlighting certain important posts. This thread though. I have been interrupted constantly and have given up (as in, sit down to type this post, and something happens or I am called away.). I will say once again, thanks to all anons, from random lurkers to YT, L23, Archiver-Anon, (whose is archiving terabytes:>>.9072 of data like it was nothing). Whether this thread goes slowly or quick, it certainly has been worth it even if things have felt like a out of focus limp plenty of times.

What else?

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