Anon 12/21/2023 (Thu) 07:19 No.9097 del
(1.34 MB 2471x3448 Leaving_Away.jpg)
As per usual, a little late and a bit of a bumpy landing. Went through way too much struggle just to get a handful of posts out. Outside the site going offline when I first tried this. It wasn't Endchan's fault, but a variety of IRL factors on my end.

Bye to what has been one whirlwind of a thread. Certainly bore witness to a lot of changes and am haunted that when this thread was made, the show was still on the air. Even if we were far from the golden days (however one defines them), it was still something of a golden time for me in many ways.

>It's crushing when a HDD is basically/seemingly dead and I did nothing wrong to result in its failure. The only maybe bad thing I did was use an older USB cable that might be bad. Not sure if it realy was bad, and if it was, would that even matter? Perhaps I was unlucky or ripped off by the manufacturer or other related entities. With all SMART Attributes bellow,
It might be a lemon. In mass manufactured products, especially electronic devices, there is always going to be a few that fail for no good reason other reason.

Another thing: Did you order the drive online? If it was shipped to you, improperly packed or mishandled, it might have a impact on its life even if it didn't cause it to fail right away.

Sometimes cheap drives can be scams, even when they say its new, ebay, amazon, and newegg sellers are a little notorious for it. I am assuming this is new.


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