Anon 12/28/2023 (Thu) 03:33 No.9154 del
MLP-focused channel Cupcakesyumy UCfi_dQD0f-IRl2QnIQ7LCmw = 221.73 MiB. 24 hour temp share of that channel:
>$ ipfs dag export QmPbdMeoHZ4hwrkZcKG7uuJMfdb87LSV2PUVDgwmTHfS9D | curl -T -
>$ # computer 1

Online in ipfs://bafybeiaswhpj5hnyhsu2jhwdpgpegoeb4d2ix223wnt3pvbvlfjva5basa for as long as I'm online
>$ wget -qO- --no-check-certificate | ipfs dag import
>Pinned root QmPbdMeoHZ4hwrkZcKG7uuJMfdb87LSV2PUVDgwmTHfS9D success
>$ # computer 2

I watched the first minute of attached video from
BTW, can't post links to .icu websites in some/all 4chan boards. (Same with .ph sites.)