Anon 01/13/2024 (Sat) 09:03 No.9328 del
I know that sinking feeling. When the option is gone... or little is left. It can be disheartening and haunting.

>Another sad thing about all of those post bodies being gone: think of all the YouTube links to pony music videos and other videos which may have only existed in = all gone now.
The comfort I have here is a somewhat cold one. The great privating of unlisted videos that already occurred probably took out most of the videos that would've been unlisted.

>I installed it in the other Linux computer. It didn't work in that one. I don't feel like fixing python bullshit or whatever is causing it to not work.
Different OS and set up?

>I'll just use the crappy unstable computer,
I have lots of experience with crappy unstable computers! Durring the height of my time archiving here I had:
A Dell D610 Latitude with broken hinges, it couldn't stay on without the plug held in
A Vostro... can't remember model, laptop also, ditto on issues above.

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