Anon 03/19/2024 (Tue) 16:04 No.9888 del
>I have previously seen some in the last couple years insist that hard drives above 2 to 4 TB were unreliable, but was uncertain on valid that is.
Those are newer technology, so perhaps not so proven (so possibly unreliable). Other thing to watch out for... In this video - - a guy said that his storage cards (SSD) were destroyed because his motherboard supplied too much power to them. I think I had a similar experience where this one computer significantly messed up HDDs multiple times (I know what I am talking about regarding said experience, to a degree).

(BTW, I saw this link somewhere - 23/explore/ipfs/QmTjdX3LYZWxBhSnJb2kB8HK3hD4WbNYvMcjJnsASjY4d5"> - not really sure what it is, but maybe I have it.)