#JVih97 10/08/2019 (Tue) 22:57:38 No.12566 del
This is BO, right? I thought the baker was some new guy who'd been practicing after seeing the practice bake.

Something to be aware of:
the e-bake instructions I created say there are six pages in the dough; now you have seven. Now that's fine--i can revise the instructions, just wanted to ask.

One other thing:
I hesitate to mention this, but would feel kind of neglectful not to skip something that seems a bit confusing.

IMO, better not to stick in a page break at the TOP of the first page of the dough; instead, wait til the BOTTOM for page break 1.
This means deleting the following from the top of the paste:

Q Research General #__: Blah Blah Blah Edition
////////////////////// 1 \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\

Instead, just start with "Welcome to Q Anon Research."

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