Anonymous 10/14/2019 (Mon) 02:52:01 No.16974 del

Q post #2527

>11/11/18 wave
prolly the Mayotte wave
the unnatural wave that had to do with 17 (seconds, length, something--easy to look hp); best done by audiophiles, remember this dig got technical, con't for months off and on, never quite resolved

>define 'unified'
What was supposed to happen on that day? Something big
Mayotte Wave was big; unusual
But also Armistice Day 100th year anniversary if i recall
Macron gave a terrible "throw down the gauntlet" type speech, which i transcribe, it's in somewhere....member thinking "this is it," this is the start of everything...within a week, Yellow Vest movement started.

We're back to Mayotte Wave again???

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