Anonymous 10/16/2019 (Wed) 03:19:37 No.18347 del
I have been looking for this - had it somewhere with red anon, but alas could't find it. Thank you, and you are of course right - this is why famefaggotry and tripfaggotry are fucking cancer and receive deserved mocking and scorn. Not accusing anyone individually or personally, but tripcodes aren't necessary to bake or do anything. Only Q needs a tripcode, everyone else is anon. BO/BV can always post with the red #BoardOwner to notify, when necessary. Otherwise there is no reason to not be anon.

They will learn, eventually.

It wasn't by accident, was it?
Incidentally, the flu virus they are innoculating you against is the one from the previous year so it does you no good at all, but hey, you do get the thimerasol, and whatever else is in there! (I'm not actually asking what else is in there, j/s)

Reading lists. I love those. I would love it if people actually read the reading list kek

>impersonating as different is what they excel in
By way of deception...