Anonymous 10/18/2019 (Fri) 01:30:51 No.19546 del
agree with all you said.

bakers use trips bc BO requested.
unfortunately, he requested it bc he doesn't trust us not to fuck with the dough
we were new
(would you trust us now, BO?)

I was completely anon for months on qr until i started baking, baker gave me a baker nickname. Bakers need some kind of designator to coordinate; also, they sometimes need to exercise leadership, and it's good if anons know who they are dealing with.

example: the night of 2 threads
Shill start a thread in the middle of the night, non baking anon later baked another bred but didn't know what to do after. baker eventually showed up, figured it out, and asked anons if they want him to bake. Got a yes, in part bc they knew him.

There are many interesting q's that arise about this whole issue of identity (when it serves and when it doesn't). Being on a board like this has made me think moar deeply about it.