Anonymous 10/20/2019 (Sun) 23:14:13 No.20821 del
Like the images, specially sea cucumber dance party (stolen)

Imo, Jim is a total autist--brilliant mind combined with an unassuming manner. Great for trolling, kek. POTUS would appreciate.

Jim plays the Fool very well--and seems to be enouraging us to do the same. Be a hapless fool, do the cucmber dance. let the msm think they've beat us. Poor 8channies--they have no home.
We know what Sun Tsu says about playing mind games, don't we?

well, that definitely takes me out of book.
lots of possibilities

The most obvious he blew off about it it not being dirty unless you have a dirty mind. No, not dirty--but phallic. And a phallus = power. Also looks rather than a weapon (no "weaponized autism" jokes, plz).

When a phallus is boiled a long time, turns into a pickle. Who d'ya think is in a pickle nowaways? 8qun or something else?

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