Anonymous 10/25/2019 (Fri) 00:29:16 No.23331 del
i stopped watching all mainstream media, including FOX, summer of 2018
had no idea how mind controlled i was
now i do not get upset listening to a dumb fuck talking head on the tele, given their lines at 4 a.m.
quite liberating
when i have conversations with others, almost always discover that their strongly held views about politics are parrotted by what they were told by mainstream media to think
have been trying to deprogram friends and family
ironically, my elderly mother is becoming more of a free thinker, which surprises me because she was always glued to comcast nbc
keot talling her about all of the sexual assault/rape, and cover up of harvey weinstein, etc, at comcast nbc, and she now seems to be at least listening
sorry for rambling, JUST TURN THE SHIT OFF