Anonymous 10/27/2019 (Sun) 17:33:49 No.25249 del
>>24557, >>24569 Vid on subliminal and subsonic images & how they may affect human behavior; commentary by anon
>>24570 For KEKS: Motorcyclist Who Identifies As Bicyclist Sets Cycling World Record
notable kek
>>24576 Weird new commercial suggesting men get periods
>>24562 McCabe withdraw his lawsuit against the Dept of Justice
>>24559, >>24563, >>24565, >>24654 Anons on obelisks
>>24585 FBI Entrapped Flynn With Manipulated Evidence As Clapper Allegedly Issued 'Kill Shot' Order: Court Docs
>>24607, >>24698 Jim Watkins Q&A 'Service Due': CALL FOR A DIG on money behind 2019 elections
>>25199 >>25204 Video from Mohamad Rasheed of the attack in progress? Also gunfire can be heard in this vid.
>>24666 >>24732 Who is Eric Ciaramella
>>25212 >>24763 notable discussions: Anon compares 8chan & endchan; heated discussion ensues
>>24768 Bongino twat: They're panicking (Clinton machine tries to stop book pub connecting dems with Russia investigation)
>>24866 DKT tweet: Something very big just happened!
>>24903 Breaking: between 8-12 helicopters with US special forces just attacked a convoy of terrorist leaders near Barisha, Syria
>>24918, >>24923, >>24932 For KEKS: Anons discuss Obama's influence in the Middle East
>>24971 DJT to make big announcement at 8am EDT
>>24997 Anon analysis of DJT tweet(s)

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