Anonymous 11/03/2019 (Sun) 01:33:08 No.29826 del
You've given a lot of sound advice, fren.
My dogs are my number one priority, in fact since this whole mess started, the closer I/we get to eviction it's been their well-being that I mainly concern myself with...they are just about all I have in my life that's worth continuing to fight for. If not for them I probably would have said "fuck it all" a while ago and just given up. Here is the issue with my dogs though-they are only about 25-30 pounds each (so not big dogs) but my male, who does know how to go to the bathroom outside, still chooses to lift his leg on pretty much everything he can reach when I'm not at home. It complicates the housing/shelter issue-it's one thing to ask someone to let you crash at their place for maybe a couple of months while you regroup financially & look for another place (most people wouldn't like it, but it's not an unreasonable request right out of the gate); it is quite another to ask someone if you, your 2 dogs (one of whom wizzes everywhere) if you can crash at their place for a bit. I cannot abandon my dog because he does this....but what do I do with this??
After worrying about them, my biggest concern is losing the roof over our heads & my transportation so I can still get back and forth to my job (or jobs if I get a second one). You can't show up to work without showering & wearing dirty's just all kinda tied in together. I'm not freaking because I can't go buy new clothes or "toys" or whatever-I'm worried about the basics, like you said, food, safety, shelter.
My love for my dogs is a double-edged sword in this scenario, my fren.
What would you say about that?