Anonymous 12/20/2019 (Fri) 13:45:53 No.42790 del

As suggested to Potus since two weeks ago by Source X, he will take it to The Supreme Court, following again the x advice, as always. There is no constitutional basis for impeachment. It will fail.


The Zero Delta is easy to explain. As the dark cabal control and run Twitter, they can insert AI scripts into Twitter to push-out posts using the AI to make inferences with a zero delta. The Intel agencies are experts in this. The Trump post can shadow post and wait to show-up online while they rig the zero delta. Easily explained and they have been doing this all along. You have been duped.


See the attached image and wake-up - be duped no longer. The same ones running the SES coup are the ones running the Q larp, pushing disinfo, attempting to get you to trust SES coup plotters! Larp exposed!