Anonymous 12/21/2019 (Sat) 14:32:52 No.42861 del

The framers of The Constitution and of the original Republic never intended for impeachment to be a mere political process. Proven crimes of treason as defined in the Constitution must take place. When a Shadow Justice System has taken-over the House and has elements planted in the Senate to take-down a president based upon false accusations in a CIA coup, the only recourse is for a president to invoke the full Supreme Court vote. The Supreme Court is fully able to rule whether a high crime as defined in The Constitution took place or not. Once it rules no high crime took place, it can then hand it´s decision over to the Senate for a vote. The Senate will then have to state Trump is innocent, even if there are traitors in the Senate or people being black-mailed by the CIA to rule against Trump, as is the case now. Unless Trump and We The People act quickly, Pelosi and the Demonrats will spring this impeachment upon a compromised Senate during the Christmas recess and impeach Trump while all are away on Christmas brake! They will also used Congress people who are being black-mailed via Ukraine crimes to get them to flip on Trump! Time is of the essence anons! Spread this far and wide and help save the Trump presidency while we can!