Anonymous 09/22/2019 (Sun) 07:10:25 No.4635 del
Kind of funny, I suppose...but it seems that spending time on the chans (halfchan excluded in this instance..kek) tends to inspire a desire or need in many of us to either find unique new talents and gifts buried deep within, or to mobilize old/forgotten ones and hone them. It seems that most Anons & all Autists find their own way to shine while embarked together on this mission, sharing a common purpose...and that is a huge part of what makes this journey so damn exciting sometimes. The incredible memes, the humor, the ability to inspect the most seemingly insignificant details and bring them to the foreground...(I could go on all day)...but I know it makes me look at things so much differently & notice things I would've never noticed before.
Tis' just a small part of being front row during the Great Awakening. Your poem was fantastic, fren! Keep churning them out...while you still have the time!