Anonymous 09/22/2019 (Sun) 08:01:42 No.4641 del
(368.96 KB 800x600 dam shield.png)
Too loud for deep state.
Yes the nights are colder.
Serious, can't sleep.
But do not doubt my happiness for I SEE sometimes.
Q knows me, I know Q.
Not to turn to something; (you) are the 'thing' people will turn too (when knowledge can save lives).
I'm your guide, as much as you are mine.
I use SIGHT to avoid FIGHT, but if fight, I pity my enemy for the Armor of God.
I always wanted to be part of the crew.
The show is great for those that can SEE.
The situation is sad for those that can SEE.
Timelines converging; what can the Anons accomplish?
I can imagine.
I can meme it, tanks to Anons.
Illusions come and go, but only fools fall for.

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