Anonymous 09/27/2019 (Fri) 14:37:10 No.6195 del
>Q will post where appropriate
Just putting my initial thoughts out there. Freddy is playing games; he works for (((them))) so what he suggests is inherently suspect. Along with that, Freddy's tweet making public his suggestion - specifically regarding Q and (supposedly) Jim's dedication to providing an appropriate & acceptable (by Q) venue for Q is part of the game he is playing. It seems he is publicly labelling and making notice that Jim is knowingly and intentionally hosting Q and that is a priority for him.

If anyone ever had any doubts before that 8ch was booted by Cloudflare for Q, that's the confirmation. That appears to be the open confirmation directly and carefully in Freddy's tweet re: Jim & QAnon. That is a giant, public bullseye.

I am not one of those who distrusts Jim. I think he's doing the best he can.

One more thought about a separate chan for Q:
With 8ch/Qresearch as an entire board, Q team monitored multiple threads, but most of the threads in the catalog were the General threads. A few times Q posted in threads other than the General (Q Germany, fe). It was a little confusing at first for those who were monitoring the aggregator sites and the General thread at the same time, but no biggie.
NOW, imagine an ENTIRE CHAN for Q - multiple boards, all with 30 threads... Is that feasible for Q team manpower/resources to monitor & participate in?
Is that reasonable?
Is it a way to slip a poison pill so Q team has to use more resources and therefore attention/effort is diffused?

Logical thinking wins.

Again, just my own thoughts, thinking this through...