Anonymous 09/28/2019 (Sat) 14:13:14 No.6623 del
Government is scared of a continental congress, for it is not constrained by the limits the constitution places on the US Government.
The currently sitting US Government shutdown We the People when they started the 3rd Continental Congress because it was comprised of militia and patriots that are seeing the corruption steadily coming forth from this now rogue government.
They FEAR We the People, that is why they immediately jump to action to discredit such endeavors by We the People.
THEY think they are the supreme power of the land and that we have no say so in ANY matters.
If you really think voting works, just remember all the voting machine switching people were reporting during the last congressional voting cycle.
We need to form up the 4th Continental Congress. This is where the power of We the People lays, and they know it, and it scares the shit out of them knowing the constitution can be over-ridden to replace the currently sitting rogue outfit.

Here's a link that summarizes what thought about the 3rd Continental Congress:

Notice how it mentions 'terrorism'?
Didn't King George call the colonist terrorists as well?