Anonymous 10/01/2019 (Tue) 04:54:05 No.7744 del
> Despite being on 8 for nearly 2 years,
Part of the 'don't post for 2 years' rule was so that (you) would have time to read the required reading list, watch the required documentaries and read all the discussions on 8/pol/. If you had, you would know. You would also have gained the experience of watching the various types of shills and their tactics and then, from that, know how they operate the tactics they use and methods and be able to blow them out of the water (or ignore them - same effect). The 'don't post for 2 years' rule was there for those very good reasons. Q migrating to 8 sort of obviated that, since many who found 4 and were participating due to Trump (during the campaign and shortly after inauguration) would not have that time luxury. And thus we were not only infested with shills/trolls, but also a great many normalfags who had no inkling of the fabled 'chan culture' and so could not understand the millieu in which Q first appeared, and then migrated to...

That was the discrepancy that manifested itself in the pro-gentile/anti-jew dichotomy and why oldfags responded the way they did.

To be clear - oldfags = those who had researched the issue to the point that hasbararats (pro-jew propaganda, yes Israel actually employs jews worldwide to promote jews - seemingly bizarre but factually true) were mercilessly mocked (rightly) and skewered regardless of the newfags (many times slavishly pro-jew evangelicals) objections, borne of CUFI sorcery (not a euphemism).

And it was this discrepancy, as a splinter crack, that hasbarats/cabal minions (not necessarily different) sought to exploit: the auto-misosemitic (though totally truthful and accurate as to facts) spam posts would grate upon the nerves of the newbie normalfags who would then knee-jerk reject the information out of hand. Oldfags just scrolled on by, because 1) already known, 2) was spam and well, obvious tactic was obvious. Q called it 'packet injection' initiated by keywords.

Ask yourself: who would benefit from normalfags knee-jerk rejecting any truthful information about jews?
Obvious answer is obvious.

Too bad 8/pol/ is not here for your reading/documentary list. It's an education you would get no where else (free speech issue) and you would never see the world (history or current events) the same away again
>scales falling from eyes

If you truly want to learn, items on that reading & documentary list are available to you. Just remember that it has nothing to do with religious or other irrational prejudice but everything to do with factual history.

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