Anonymous 10/01/2019 (Tue) 09:39:34 No.7825 del

I have all the baking instructions for Q Research on 8chan. But 8chan is not endchan. They are quite similar. But there are a few differences, see below.

Endchan has
* a somewhat different format for the Create a Thread box in Catalog (yes, it matters if you're used to the other one)
* You don't "create a thread," instead you hit "Post" (make sure you are in the CATALOG, not in a bred).
* there are moar than 4 pages in the "front" material in endchan (and posts are separated by #### not /////\\\\\\)
* you can't use ''' directly next to a link in endchan, i.e., to format the pastebin link (it's a glitch)
* bred does NOT "hang" at 100% in endchan (as it usually does in QR)
* size limit per post in QR = 100 lines, endchan = 4096 characters)

There's probably more, but it's too late at night for me to think that clearly, kek

ALSO (for QanonResearch board only):

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