Anonymous 10/03/2019 (Thu) 00:29:13 No.8636 del
Notables Final
are not endorsements
note-taker #2

>>8519>>8521>>8551>>8557>>8559>>8563>>8564>>8565>>8566>>8579>>8586 Hannity Censored on JewTube by Faux News
>>8526 McCarthy signs on to resolution to censure Schiff for 'parody' reading of Ukraine call
>>8527>>8533>>8539>>8542>>8548>>8553 The #flippening -reconcile (now with memes)
>>8530 Bernie Sanders Received Emergency Stent -serious as a heart attack?
>>8532 Potus joins the memewar vs Biden
>>8534>>8536 What are the 5 levels of hierarchy of DS escalation?
>>8538 Traitor Snowden Keks
>>8550 OKCupid: fresh poll for the #flippening -anons know what do
>>8556 Julian Svendson: fresh poll for the #flippening -anons know what do
>>8558 Todd Starnes: Apparently the god they worship is the pagan god of the Old Testament Moloch
>>8567 Snowden to MSNBC: Biden Threatened Countries Not To Give Me Asylum
>>8569 UK 77th Brigade & QAnon: Mirror Images and Missions? Or Not?

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