Anonymous 10/05/2019 (Sat) 00:23:30 No.9830 del
(61.06 KB 744x739 black umbrellas.jpg)
i'm tough bc i have to be. but not callous, just tit-for-tat. easy rule to follow.

qresearch on the chans is interesting bc it combines chan/gamer culture with patriotism/love of liberty. good combo, imo.

They call us extreme. We are extreme all right--extremely tough and extremely tender. This is a chamber for transformation and also a wellspring for revolution. Not a revolution of blood but a revolution of thought.

Hard combo to beat, imo.

Re those lost:
winnowing out process is necessary

Re funny memes:
anon, i'm not sure we are all called to do funny memes, but we can all at least spread them around!