Anonymous 11/15/2021 (Mon) 19:10:53 Id: e2ce4f No.11417 del
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>>108783, >>108786 Recent article grossly underemphasize the problems assoc/w JAB-RELATED pericarditis as short-lasting and mild.

Here is the article that goes with the idiotic tweet designed to make pericarditis look like a minor inconvenience
--[Includes anon COMMENTARY in BRACKETS]--

How dangerous is myocarditis? The truth about the scary-sounding condition

--["scary-sounding" - scary-sounding because it is a scary condition. Studies of previous forms of myocarditis have focused on our limited knowledge, the death of treatments, and poor outcomes, e.g.: "Indicators of Poor Prognosis of Acute Pericarditis (2007),]

Despite the attention on myocarditis, inflammation from mRNA vaccines is rare, and goes away in a matter of days.

--[It does NOT go away in a matter of days - people are realized from the HOSPITAL, they say, in about 4 - 6 days. See the CDC's own info: in this very early report from June, 2 of the 3 studies showing "mild" effects were very small. The Israeli study - which obviously could not be ignored - was larger - including 148 cases, 95% of which were "mild" (what about the other 5%)? And what do they mean by "mild"? They do note that there is ZERO data on long-term effects.
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