Anonymous 11/15/2021 (Mon) 19:16:38 Id: e2ce4f No.11419 del

CDC data from millions of vaccinations show that the inflammation, when it occurs, goes away within a matter of days without any serious consequences. And infectious disease experts and pediatricians widely agree that the risks of COVID—including a full-body inflammatory syndrome called MIS-C—are much more substantial.

--[Disgusting. In their slide show, they say there's NO LONG TERM data on effects; and provide ZERO documentation on the incidence of MIS-C in children. PURE FEAR PRON]--

Sarah Long, a pediatric infectious disease expert at Drexel University College of Medicine, and a member of the CDC’s vaccine advisory panel, that the post-vaccine heart inflammation might be different from the myocarditis that’s seen during an infection with COVID-19 or from some other cause. It’s so different, and less severe, than typical myocarditis, she says, that giving it the same name has created unnecessary worry over the condition.

--[Yuck. Except for one Israeli study, the ones cited in the slideshow are TINY. And have no long-term data. SO WHAT MAKES SARAH THINK THAT THIS "NEW" MYOCARDITIS IS SO DIFFERENT FROM THE "OLD" ONES - none of which are trivia?]

Myocarditis isn’t a disease in its own right, like the flu—it’s more like pneumonia, which can be caused by viruses or bacteria.

--[Just because a condition has more than one cause doesn't mean it's not a 'real' disease....]

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Edited last time by Rolling_Home on 11/15/2021 (Mon) 19:19:02.