Anonymous 11/15/2021 (Mon) 19:39:28 Id: e2ce4f No.11424 del
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Research articles on myocarditis, 2006 - 2012 plus current wiki
There may be more, but i get the impression that this area is not very well-researched, perhaps because until now, the condition was rare.

But the stupid twit/article maintained that Covid-19 myocarditis is "different" from earlier kinds. I spozed that's really all they can do, isn't it? To say it's a lighter, brighter kind of myocarditis. Outta the hospital in just four to six days! (But look at the sample sizes)

They totally glossed over everything in that June CDC meeting - the slide show is a joke. The Israeli study must have caused them problems because it's bigger and did have at least 5% of people with SERIOUS myocarditis,even short-term.

The fact that vaxxed athletes are dropping dead right and left suggests that the biggest problem may be with SUB-CLINICAL manifestations. Person feels fine until they EXERCISE VIGOROUSLY. For the last time, kek.

So the idea that most people don't have symptoms isn't gonna help in the long run. The ABSENCE of symptoms just means the vax is a ticking time bomb, set to go off after extreme exertion.

--The article cited by everybody mentioning the lousy five-year prognosis is from 2012: --

Myocarditis: Early Biopsy Allows for Tailored Regenerative Treatment

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