Anonymous 11/16/2021 (Tue) 01:21:09 Id: e2ce4f No.11431 del
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First published at 18:27 UTC on November 5th, 2021.
this link may be a steal bc the talk has no title - but info is important.

Dr David Martin: Moderna is a bio-weapon meant to develop a "post-extinction humanity"

Peter Daszak in 2015 saying the public has to believe that the infectious disease crisis is 'very reasl, present, and at an emergency threashold" - and to get sustained public funding beyond the crisis. Also that investors will be interested if they know there's $ to be mad), and how the press can push the narrative: "the economics will follow the hype."
This is the conspiracy of public terror - and it was published years before Covid.

Focuses on an EO signed by Pres. Trump on or about Sept 18, 2019
'A World At Risk' - report by WHO in Sept 2019
WHO said we need to create a simluation of the release of a global pathogen for a year
Sept 2019 - Sept 2020
Next day, Trump signed an EO. Includes this sentence:
Platform technologies include DNA, messenger RNA (mRNA), virus-like S particles. vector-based and self-assembling nano-particle vaccines.

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