Anonymous 11/28/2021 (Sun) 22:31:35 Id: 5893f0 No.11654 del
Riccardo Bosi Talks to Steve Kirsch [Embed]
Nov 14, 2021

Steve Kirsch -
Enterpreneur who was originally motivated to fund research on covid bc he found out about early treatment and wanted to check it out. started the Covid 19 Early Treatment Fund. (Kirsch used to believe the CDC. Got vaxxes, his family got vaxxed. "Drank the KoolAid." Heard from someone that 3 family members died after taking the vax - then other stories.)

Interested in repurposed drugs.
Funded scientists that nobody else was funding (NIH, etc).
David Weisman - early study on HCQ but buried. Must be given early in correct amt.

Another study on fluvooxamine also got positive results. 100% EFFECTIVE.
50mil twice a day for 14 days taken early.
Offered a million dollars to anyone who could disprove this.
All the journals rejected the fluvoxamine results.
12x reduction in mortality - massive effect.
When finally published in LANCET, it was COMPLETELY IGNORED.

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