Anonymous 02/17/2023 (Fri) 05:22 Id: 28331f No.120609 del
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passing 476

>>18362564, >>18362566, >>18362567 New Hit Piece: Inside QAnon: A Look at an Alarming New Book
>>18362470 There's a psychological war in which the majority of one side doesn't even know they're at war ridicule those that do as conspiracy theorist while being blindly obedient to the enemy
>>18362581 Half A Million Dollars Missing At Stacey Abrams Charity
>>18362536 East Palestine waterways are very polluted. It’s time for Norfolk Southern to finish the cleanup
>>18362582 Dr. Andrew Zywiec Exposes Vax Genocide
>>18362688 Planefag: 2 moar SAMs heading across to Munich Security Conference-781 C-32A is Blinken this time-since Kneepads has already arrived
>>18362691, >>18362716 JuliansRum: noticed the East Palestine train derailed DIRECTLY over 2 drainage pipes (yellow squares). Then I noticed that the orange car (red rectangle) was out of place compared to the cars around it

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