Anonymous 01/03/2022 (Mon) 17:01:25 Id: e6c57f No.12100 del

The final, chilling observation is all three companies are doing similar, sinister studies.
-- They’re operating so as to not run over each other. When company A is deploying lethal batches, companies B & C are deploying only harmless batches.--

--'If Paardekooper is correct, the implications are profound: we could be facing mass murder through coercion of Americans to play Russian roulette by vaccination.--'
This warrants investigation by Congress, the Department of Justice, and state attorneys general.
Paardekooper‘s VAERS analysis should be replicated or refuted by others, including government investigators, as soon as possible.

Here is the video presentation by Craig Paardekooper recommended by Dr. Yeadon: [Embed]

Pardekooper: Patterns of Deployment of Toxic Covid Vaccine Batches: [Embed]

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