Anonymous 01/26/2022 (Wed) 11:31:42 Id: 5f3979 No.12550 del
Remember the names of those who did this to us most directly: Baric the cook, Zhengli the bat lady, Daszak the money-handling spook. Fauci who signed off on the Gain of Function research and the funding for it. Remember the names of those who knew what this was from day 1, and spent their days attempting to conceal their culpability: Collins, Walensky, Ghebreyesus.

These names are guilty of GENOCIDE.

China is not without blame either. It is known with certainty that their proliferation of COVID-19 globally was intentional and malicious, as evidenced by their internal but not international travel bans. However, besides Zhengli, the names of other Chinese players in the creation of COVID are not known, and might never be. I still think we should wipe them all out with the cruelest of WMDs imaginable, but for now, we should deal with the devil we know.

Another important link:

>The Fauci FOIA emails

Awwww yiss, guess we don't need that Taiwan News article after all. Here's Richard Ebright on Twitter talking about Daszak and the $200m from USAID / $39m from Pentagon.

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