Mike Adams Interviews Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Anonymous 05/15/2023 (Mon) 10:05 Id: a7a6e8 No.128136 del
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Mike Adams Interviews Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. is very approachable and extremely well informed about a vast spectrum of topics. He’s running for President of the United States on the Democrat ticket, and the Democrat establishment is going all-out to silence him by cancelling all debates and trying to sweep Joe Biden back into the White House.

You can learn more about RFK Jr’s run for the Oval Office (and join his email list) at www.Kennedy24.com

Although RFK and myself don’t agree on everything, I consider him to be a true American hero for his courage and perseverance in exposing the toxic covid vaccine and Fauci fraud.

He’s also a healer who, I believe, can help bring America back together from its current fractured status, where Big Government, Big Tech and the fake news media have worked incessantly to disrupt and destroy America from within.

I have publicly stated that I’m considering temporarily switching my party affiliate to Democrat solely to vote for RFK Jr. during the Democrat primary process, should the DNC even allow such a process to occur (never trust the corrupt establishment to follow the rules).

Interestingly, the DNC is trying to railroad RFK in much the same way the RNC is trying to railroad DJT. Both establishment parties despise real heroes like RFK or DJT, and they want them both to be silenced and shut out of the political process.

Here’s what I cover in today’s Brighteon Broadcast News, which includes the RFK interview:

– Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. discuss border security, election integrity, voter ID and more

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