Anonymous 06/09/2023 (Fri) 16:41 Id: 7f6e6b No.129134 del
VPN service is only one of many ways to protect data, not the de-facto end-all solution. Good OPSEC requires a whole lot more research and more petty "inconveniences" (at least inconveniences to normies). See the comments shown in that link, lots of useful info with links posted there. That's only a tip of the iceberg, of-course you want to look into virtual machines that can routed through Tor, hardware encryption and secure deletion schemes, tools to wipe out browser session data routinely, MAC spoofing, etc. Not to mention having older computers where you can remove cameras and microphones (the vulnerabilities of side-channel hacking). Lazy normies would never get into all of this but it is rewarding when you start taking full control over your devices and securing your private information.