Anonymous 04/14/2024 (Sun) 11:32 Id: 296c7c No.139084 del
Misslam never hits shit. Out of an army of drones and shit ton of ballistic missiles launched, misslam hits nothing. They are all cross-eyed genetically retarded fucking whiners. Oh get over it you fucking shit. Who the fuck picks a desert of nothing but sand and rocks to live in anyways? No water or plants. Who gives a shit about, nothing, because that's what they are and have. Nothing.

On another note. Barry Blowbama is a misslam, is a liberal jew, goes to a protestant baptist church where the pastor says 911 was America's chickens coming home to roost, plus sucks off the pope and the saudi's...I don't think there is a bigger cocksucking liar than Blowbama. He wins the contest of who is the worst. Mr. Jakarta Kid.