Anonymous 07/26/2022 (Tue) 23:45:47 Id: 368be7 No.16267 del
Famous people who attended Jesuit schools

Joseph Goebbels (Head of Nazi Propaganda Ministry) — Trained at a Jesuit College

Joseph Stalin (Communist Dictator) — Trained by Jesuit monks at Tiflis Seminary

Fidel Castro (Communist Dictator) — Trained by Jesuits at Colegio Belen

Bill Clinton (Former US President) — Trained by Jesuits at Georgetown University

George Tenet (Former CIA director) — Trained by Jesuits at Georgetown University

William Casey (Former CIA director) — Trained by Jesuits at Fordham University

Juan Carlos I (King of Spain) — Trained by Jesuits at the Instituto de San Isidro

Timothy Leary (Leading Proponent of LSD) — Trained by Jesuits at Holy Cross College

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