Doc 03/07/2024 (Thu) 22:41 No.52440 del
(153.92 KB 972x1215 winnick.jpg)
Yesterday I was a bit sleep deprived because I had an appointment waaay off my sleep schedule normal bounds.
Sleep deprivation is an instant cause for involuntary lucid dreaming to me.
A part of that dream had a situation in a car in which I was dealing with multiple assailants coming at me in a vulnerable spot.
I was self-aware of it being a dream, but it was still a full sensorial kind of dream, and a looping one. I got shot in the face at least 3x before figuring it out. Full pain, smell, horror, surviving a while with parts of my face in my hands. This happens somewhat often, and while I dread it as it is about to happen, its still just like a really good horror experience, or a roller coaster.
Other parts of the dream: Being a semi non-corporeal being that was very light, but attached itself to the end of a stick and was using it like a cane to move around balanced on it.
Sex, pics related.
Some time living in a cabin in japan, felt like a week.