Anonymous 03/08/2024 (Fri) 07:46 No.52458 del
(988.45 KB 3374x5331 451422092_kristen-14.jpg)
(772.05 KB 3427x4935 451422084_kristen-11.jpg)
(201.31 KB 1365x2048 CEhoua7v_o.jpg)
(399.01 KB 1701x2287 sNmhG2Ga_o.jpg)
(874.92 KB 5445x3630 451422157_kristen-30.jpg) wtf am I reading.jpg can you nerds tell me if this so called "registry" is supposed to be a folder in the file system? "first argument ids the path to the .ttf or .otf file" would seem to suggest that but as usual the documentation is written by someone who has no business writing documentation and as such it's not very clear