Anonymous 03/14/2024 (Thu) 14:07 No.52666 del
(345.51 KB 1600x999 bronco.jpg)
(254.69 KB 1440x1800 belly.jpg)
Belly and neck too. They aren't the best, but still very nice imo.

>is that what you're dealing with with your own mom?
It sound similar. My mom can't do much on her own anymore and she's always "lost". If left alone she'll walk around until she sees some item that interests her and fiddle with that until she moves on. Sounds innocent until she does it 5 times and the house is a mess. I'm still in the process of getting her government benefits, but I don't think she would be eligible for free retirement home, only for a nurse to care for her in her own home.

More open suit jacket style. She looks great though, the lighting really shows off her eyes.