Anonymous 03/24/2024 (Sun) 04:51 No.53003 del
(64.93 KB 750x937 CMLRT7SBGJx..jpg)
yes I do remember when you explained this and I think I mentioned that I was familiar with that "altered mind state", but I didn't deliberately seek it out and it didn't happen that often. It felt exactly as you described it. I know this isn't very relevant but just as an aside "extremely heavy music" probably wouldn't do it for me, what always helped induce that state was poppy music with some edge to it, especially if it's based on britpop stylings. Don't ask me why, I have no clue. Also I don't think I needed any specific visual stimuli unlike you, I'd just watch the MVs, or be playing a chill turn based game or something.

>If you prep before sleeping, and reach that state, you get lucid dreams almost every time.
Do you have to go to bed precisely while that effect lasts?

I think this is her most relaxing video since she made that change. That little sound she makes when she hesitates before speaking is very relaxing