Doc 03/27/2024 (Wed) 03:04 No.53087 del
DEI = Diversity, equity, and inclusion. It's the new meme word for woke.

Like I was trying to explain the other day, the first priority is your innermost experience, your sanity and preventing external things from being unnecessarily damaging for that innermost experience. You shouldn't feel suffering for any external thing. Perspective alone helps to achieve that to some degree.
Then your second priority is your external self, the animal self whose fate most affects your mind, keep him fed, happy, loved and so forth.
Then your third priority is people you/he cares for, insofar as you have any control over it. Because it ultimately affects your innermost experience.
Then you have a limited care about the community you and your loved ones are part of, and that is as far as it ever should go.