Anonymous 04/01/2024 (Mon) 09:13 No.53246 del
I think I talked about this in passing before but my night school friend

>had no jobs I know of other than a factory job where she had little interaction with coworkers and supervisors/bosses
>has a son who she claims is much better with animals than he is with people (as if she wasn't the one who wanted and got all their pets in the first place)
>clicked with me pretty much on the day we met which is shocking considering how misanthropic and dismissive of people I am... that's literally the only time that's ever happened
>often feels lonely despite having a family and other friends
>graduated with the second best grades ever (for adult students) at that school after my own, meaning we were practically in the same place in a list of hundreds or thousands of people
>at some point developed a very dark sense of humor (probably as a coping mechanism) that is almost indistinguishable from my own

I don't even know where I'm going with this I'm just thinking out loud and NOTICING PATTERNS like any self respecting channer should. I leave the conclusions and value judgements to my audience