Welcome, forever (+meta!) Rosebud Board owner 08/08/2019 (Thu) 23:20:44 No.27 del
(230.98 KB 1200x817 howdy partner.jpg)
Welcome to /roze/ on endchan, Rose's Other, Other Den
You know, the one not under her bedcover)

Currently, this board is mainly intended to serve as a backup for rosebuds in the event something happens to the original /roze/ board.

/roze/ is a board based around the existence and accomplishments of internet personality and Youtube/chan celebrity Rosemary Gotto A.K.A. "randytaylor69" or "Roze". /roze/ was created to be a healthy and safe board for Rose and her followers with a clean history. Here, freedom of speech and freedom of expression is allowed. Rosebuds (fans of Rose) are permitted to discuss any subject and OC/fanart is encouraged.

Board Guidelines:
1.] No doxing
2.] No spamming or thread derailing
3.] Spoiler any porn/gore

"I don't understand… why? What's the attraction?"
Click the links below or lurk.
If you still don't understand, perhaps you weren't meant to.


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