Anonymous Admin 07/19/2023 (Wed) 20:11 No.22545 del
I noticed the discussion and I want to address something I read here I think: >>22499
Endchan is up and running thanks for volunteer work and donations. We don't really pester the users to "pay pay pay" but you can do it too, read:
We do not harvest and sell IPs - I tochka.
Other stuff:
We have several domains, throughout the years at least one was always behind CloudFlare. These days it's Right now .gg and .net shouldn't be behind one. The related section on the home page isn't up to date, but doesn't matter much.
I have to add that from the EU, my traffic (to anywhere) is often routed through CloudFlare infrastructure just because for some reason they do that. (Note: rest of the staff is American, and the site is hosted in the US)
Someone noted we can't see IPs of Tor endnodes, this is true all Tor users count as one, they aren't even measured on the board page in the Users column. I really suggest looking around and reading all the stuff that's available. As a Russian user said to another once: get familiar with the site you sit on.
More on Tor: there were lot of complaints that we banned Tor exit nodes. We are guessing the spammer (we basically only ban cp spam, and only when we catch him/the bot in the act) uses Tor as a "three hop proxy" and connects to clearnet address instead of using the onion domain as Tor inteded to be used. But this is just a guess, and we still working on the solution.
What else? Oh yeah. On polru - as far as I know - Tor is disabled by the board's staff (not by us globals) temporarily depending on how and when they think Kremlinbots post. Feel free to use other boards or create your own.
Spasiba for understanding.