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Spartan 10/21/2020 (Wed) 18:37:06 [Preview] No. 301042
>sportschan being ddosed for having hunter-biden emails on it

dudder 10/21/2020 (Wed) 18:51:46 [Preview] No.301043 del
No idea what's going on. I'm sick of this. I'm gonna try and take a back up of the site and move it to a new server.
Everything shows as fine on my end, but I can't access the server at all, and for some reason the traffic logs won't load in the control panel.

Spartan 10/21/2020 (Wed) 19:33:26 [Preview] No.301045 del
dudd "I think I fixed it?" er

Spartman 10/21/2020 (Wed) 19:35:16 [Preview] No.301047 del
(56.36 KB 562x600 merchant spee.jpg)
why do they persecute us so much?

dudder 10/21/2020 (Wed) 19:39:19 [Preview] No.301049 del
I opened a ticket with my host.
This is a completely different issue

Spartan 10/21/2020 (Wed) 19:40:14 [Preview] No.301051 del
just wanna see those traffic logs
wanna wear my tinfoil hat and hang out with my boy AJ because sportschan is under attack

dudder 10/21/2020 (Wed) 19:41:13 [Preview] No.301052 del
I can't even get them to load

Spartan 10/21/2020 (Wed) 19:44:49 [Preview] No.301053 del
.>we are under attack

Spartan 10/21/2020 (Wed) 20:15:10 [Preview] No.301057 del
>professor explaining grading scheme
>you will grade your classmates presentations
>i will then compare the grade you give other people, with what other people graded
>if your grades dont line up well with the group consensus, you will lose points
what the fuck kind of scheme is this bullshit

Spartan 10/21/2020 (Wed) 20:27:02 [Preview] No.301058 del
Fuck I wanted to make a funny fed post using buckeye as the scapegoat but you cant post on TOR here and I dont want to get vanned.

FUCK, it would have been funny.

Spartan 10/21/2020 (Wed) 20:33:56 [Preview] No.301059 del
just post a screenshot of the hunter emails, it will probly get endchan knocked out for the rest of the day

Spartan 10/21/2020 (Wed) 20:35:42 [Preview] No.301060 del
But my goal was to get Buckeye taken to Gitmo as an Incel terrorist.

Spartan 10/21/2020 (Wed) 20:42:37 [Preview] No.301061 del
>you cant post on TOR here

Spartan 10/21/2020 (Wed) 20:47:07 [Preview] No.301062 del
thats a confirmed right wing hoax.

Spartan 10/21/2020 (Wed) 20:47:41 [Preview] No.301063 del
wtf kind of course is this? unless the trade has something to do with evaluating assignments, like teaching, then your getting robbed and on top of that your getting robbed by collectivist parasites

Spartan 10/21/2020 (Wed) 20:47:57 [Preview] No.301064 del
>"To be blunt it’s the demographic of who’s playing. Women’s soccer players generally are cute little white girls while WNBA players, we’re all shapes and sizes: a lot of Black, gay, tall women. There’s maybe an intimidation factor and people are quick to judge it and put it down,”
if i wanted to see nigger monkeys chimp about i could just take public transportation somewhere instead of sub par monkeyball

Spartan 10/21/2020 (Wed) 20:48:31 [Preview] No.301065 del
its ENGR-272 Introduction to Solidworks sooo...

Spartan 10/21/2020 (Wed) 20:57:57 [Preview] No.301066 del
>this saturation coverage of giuliani tucking his shirt in after not having sex with the 25 year old fake reporter that was pretending to be a 15 year old pretending to be a 25 year old

Spartan 10/21/2020 (Wed) 20:58:06 [Preview] No.301067 del
wtf even is that

Spartan 10/21/2020 (Wed) 21:00:35 [Preview] No.301068 del
its a 3d modelling software

Spartan 10/21/2020 (Wed) 21:02:34 [Preview] No.301069 del
oh is that the thang replacin cad

Spartan 10/21/2020 (Wed) 21:03:33 [Preview] No.301070 del
i mean it is CAD

Spartan 10/21/2020 (Wed) 21:06:01 [Preview] No.301072 del
oh yeah I forget I gotta 2 year degree in CAD couple years back

Spartan 10/21/2020 (Wed) 21:08:38 [Preview] No.301073 del
You have a full life degree in FAG.

Spartan 10/21/2020 (Wed) 21:09:56 [Preview] No.301074 del
that you christine?

Spartan 10/21/2020 (Wed) 21:10:30 [Preview] No.301075 del
(66.89 KB 640x708 wanna crik.jpeg)

Spartan 10/21/2020 (Wed) 21:12:37 [Preview] No.301077 del
you need to go to college to learn to use cad software? cant you just like rtfm or somethign?
librejp learned to make animated 3d models in blender by themselves

Spartan 10/21/2020 (Wed) 21:16:40 [Preview] No.301079 del
fuck no
but its still a mandatory course
completely rudimentary. just like the 'introductory programming course'. i do fucking C as a hobby i dont need to learn python or whatever fuckin lego block bullshit. if i want to write something that handles like a bloated piece of shit i could just add delay functions everywhere

Spartan 10/21/2020 (Wed) 21:25:46 [Preview] No.301082 del
leftists going full qanon now

Spartan 10/21/2020 (Wed) 21:27:26 [Preview] No.301083 del
(1.08 MB 897x912 democrat qanon.PNG)

Spartan 10/21/2020 (Wed) 21:27:46 [Preview] No.301084 del
sheem a qt

Spartan 10/21/2020 (Wed) 21:31:07 [Preview] No.301085 del
matt fargag heem simpan

Spartan 10/21/2020 (Wed) 21:32:06 [Preview] No.301086 del

Spartan 10/21/2020 (Wed) 21:37:45 [Preview] No.301087 del
if any of you guys wanna cook up some fake scandal shit about the GOP, giuliani, trump etc now is the time to do it and dm it to maddow or something
they're thrashing all over the place right now, publishing random shit they find on twitter etc

Spartan 10/21/2020 (Wed) 22:18:11 [Preview] No.301091 del
Make up a story about how Jared Kushner is talking to Buckeye on /sp/ about Jewish World Domination.

Spartan 10/21/2020 (Wed) 22:22:01 [Preview] No.301092 del
haha woah uhh, ya no thats a no-no topic
lemme just revise that for you
>Jared Kushner is talking to Buckeye on /sp/ about persecuting Jews as part of White Supremacy World Domination.

Spartan 10/21/2020 (Wed) 22:25:00 [Preview] No.301093 del
you think the biden winnin polls are fake?

Spartan 10/21/2020 (Wed) 22:27:20 [Preview] No.301095 del
Jared Kushner is giving Buckeye instructions on QAnon would be more salacious. Jared Kushner is feeding QAnon out to one of those hacker 4chan terrorist sites.

Spartan 10/21/2020 (Wed) 22:27:38 [Preview] No.301096 del
probly flawed. i read some analysis piece that looked at new voter registration over the past 4 years that claimed the models didn't take into account the shift seen. not to mention trump voters distrust/incentive to lie, oversampling etc etc

Spartan 10/21/2020 (Wed) 22:28:04 [Preview] No.301097 del
oh ya thats a good one

Spartan 10/21/2020 (Wed) 22:30:11 [Preview] No.301099 del
Alt-right figurehead Justin Buckeye Goldstein implicated in a major case of collusion with Jared Kushner.

Spartan 10/22/2020 (Thu) 00:00:08 [Preview] No.301108 del
let's just stay here
it's better that way
like CR drinking alone

Spartan 10/22/2020 (Thu) 00:00:49 [Preview] No.301109 del
{"readyState":4,"responseText":"<html>\r\n<head><title>504 Gateway Time-out</title></head>\r\n<body bgcolor=\"white\">\r\n<center><h1>504 Gateway Time-out</h1></center>\r\n<hr><center>nginx/1.14.0 (Ubuntu)</center>\r\n</body>\r\n</html>\r\n<!-- a padding to disable MSIE and Chrome friendly error page -->\r\n<!-- a padding to disable MSIE and Chrome friendly error page -->\r\n<!-- a padding to disable MSIE and Chrome friendly error page -->\r\n<!-- a padding to disable MSIE and Chrome friendly error page -->\r\n<!-- a padding to disable MSIE and Chrome friendly error page -->\r\n<!-- a padding to disable MSIE and Chrome friendly error page -->\r\n","status":504,"statusText":"Gateway Time-out"}

dudder 10/22/2020 (Thu) 00:43:31 [Preview] No.301113 del
I'm CSWA certified if you need any tutoring bro :)

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