Catalog of /suicide/


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R: 5 / I: 0 / P: 1

Meta Thread

Make suggestions and contributions here. I will be posting updates to the board here as well, leave feedback if you want.

-Added flags and one new banner

R: 0 / I: 0 / P: 1

Suicide tips needed

I need to end my life within the next six months or year max and my 2 main concerns are acquiring a substance that will kill me instantly (I'm thinking a fentanyl O.D) and I need a private place to die peacefully where my body will never be found, at least till it has decomposed beyond any recognition. I've completely disentangled myself from my family and all my friends. I'm planning to erase traces of my existence as much as I can before I go like getting rid of my stuff, deleting my emails, social media, burning off all physical IDs and anything else I can think of (no I'm not a criminal running away, never smoked, abused drinks, sex, drugs, theft none of that). The idea is to just disappear somewhere private and die. It will be ages before my family realizes that I'm missing because we don't speak and I don't want them having any leads to figure out what happened to me.

So to summarize, I need:

1. A lethal substance for instant death.
2. A quiet private place to pass away where I will not be found.

R: 0 / I: 0 / P: 1

Assisted suicide

Looking for someone willing to end my life, sadism/cannibalism optional, should be willing to travel, must have Session to communicate through (post your ID).

Females only, contextless proof (video+photo) of gender required, nothing sexual (in person or otherwise) expected.

United States, willing to purchase tools/devices to aid in the execution.

R: 0 / I: 0 / P: 1

I feel like

I have to kill myself in order to end my thoughtless existence.
I hate humanity because it creates wars, marketing, destroys nature and the values of life.
I hate myself because I am human and I can become aware of my existence.

I have dreams in which I love someone very much. And there are dreams when I kill someone with a kitchen knife. When I wake up, I feel like I'm making a mistake.

R: 0 / I: 0 / P: 1

encourage me to die

i'm a worthless female who's got nothing to live for. my boyfriend cheated but i guess i deserve it who wants a gross female anyway. i'd like for someone to tell me to kms and other rly horrible things about myself ^-^ also would appreciate it if u told me to cut myself, i'll post/send u cutting pics :D we could use kik

R: 2 / I: 0 / P: 1

i need HELP pls

hi everyone i ma teenager who need help because he watched funking CP and he enjoyed , bro WTF i watched this crap

R: 1 / I: 0 / P: 1

How can I suicide properly

I want to suicide, but want my body to be the more intact possible, and I want it to be painless, i've thought of jumping under a train or from a tall building but my body would be crushed. The best solution I have at the moment is to buy a gun on the dark web and shoot myself in the heart, is it a good choice ?

Do you guys have any ideas, recommendation for what I seek ? Thanks

R: 0 / I: 0 / P: 1


El ángel deprimido me clama
Mis párpados pesan
Tengo frío
Pero todo está bien

Tengo miedo
Aún no he llegado a la meta, ni siquiera voy a mitad de camino
No he visitado a mamá, no le he dicho a papá lo mucho que lo quiero, ni he abrazado a mi hermana
Escuchar el canto del ángel deprimido calma el sociego de mi alma
Él dice que todo está bien
Que no tema
Que ya no necesito planes
Que algún día nos veremos todos de nuevo
Y que ya no estaré solo

Él pone en mí el nudo en la garganta
Pero soy yo quien decide tirar de ella
Entiendo que no la va a desatar
Lo entiendo muy bien
Pero él dice que es la única forma
Que para acompañarlo debo atravezar el portal que la cuerda dibuja frente a mi rostro
Él dice que es la única forma
Y yo lo entiendo muy bien

Ya no temo
Ya no necesito más planes
Ya no necesito familia, nunca la necesité, siempre estuve solo de todas formas
Estoy seguro de esto
Quiero mi felicidad, quiero mi paz
Lo quiero todo
Menos este infierno

Tal vez no sea tan malo como lo pintan
Tal vez sea lo mejor
Tal vez, sólo tal vez, por fin pueda ser alguien
Alguien que ríe
Alguien que goza
Tal vez no vivo, pero alguien feliz al fin y al cabo
Tal vez, tal vez...

R: 0 / I: 0 / P: 1

The Peaceful Pill Handbook - April 2022 edition

The Peaceful Pill Handbook is a book by Exit International setting out information on assisted suicide and voluntary euthanasia. Written by the Australian doctor Philip Nitschke and lawyer Fiona Stewart. It's 142MB PDF file. See attachment.

R: 1 / I: 0 / P: 1

Let me end you

Do you want to die but for some reason cannot?

Reply here and tell me your life story.

R: 1 / I: 0 / P: 2

tf yall creepy and dum

yall so ignorant and weird holy shit

R: 0 / I: 0 / P: 2

Hey man, we're here. I hope it wasn't too late.

R: 1 / I: 0 / P: 2


Hello, is anybody here?

R: 3 / I: 0 / P: 2

The Decline Into Oblivion

So I'm going to start blogging here about my daily thoughts and experiences here.

It will be filled with rantings, gore photos of myself, suicidal ideation and drug use. Maybe even porn of myself.

I plan to eventually suicide pact with a friend [hopefully] soon.

So I figure, where else could I post my decline?

-The Mute Viking

R: 7 / I: 0 / P: 2

have you killed yourself?

how did it feel?

R: 0 / I: 0 / P: 2

what do you think about freon exit bag ?(r134a,r600 - mostly fit to suicide IMO and etc)
i think these gases more preferable than inert gases because: need reduction gear
2.mostly freons can be used as narcotic-anesthetics thus after inhaling gas that have 100% concentration you lost consciousness immediately
according to psychonautwiki you can inhale gas straight from balloon.
htt p://psychonaut3z5aoz.onion/wiki/Inhalants#Freon

R: 14 / I: 2 / P: 2

Last thing you do before you die?

If you're going to kill yourself it means you don't have to deal with the consequences left here on earth for the things you do. For once, when they say "you can do anything you want to!" they're right. So what would you do if actions had no repercussions?

For me, I would take out a large loan from the bank and just go crazy. Max out credit cards, spend wildly on all the cool shit I wish I had. Because it's not just about buying items, it's about buying an experience.

After that I would probably kill my most hated enemies. I don't believe in an afterlife so I don't believe I'm going to hell. All those smug fucks thinking they could push me around. Especially my old teachers. I fucking hate public school teachers, motherfuckers, every last one of em. Prison? Fuck that, you can't imprison a corpse.

Honestly I just don't get why people who crack under pressure kill themselves instead of the people who caused it, or at least take those fucks along for the ride when they off themselves.

R: 1 / I: 0 / P: 2

I dont know what i have to do??

What should i do when i lose all faith in life? When do i start to believe that nothing leads to anything? the life is just a biological shit? I believe that i became a kind of nihilist. Just help me to decide what fucking i have to do?

R: 0 / I: 0 / P: 2


Yo fellas, what if i overdosage hydroxyzinum?

R: 1 / I: 0 / P: 2

Failed suicide attempt?

What went wrong?
