Sunflower 03/07/2022 (Mon) 22:50:47 Id: 20c98f No.1018 del
As much as I like the Fate series... I am unable to watch the F/GO gacha story inspired anime. The MC and the eggplant is painfully boring. The anime would be an improvement if they were cut from it. But instead they are the thing that holds the story together. I can't even name a more self insert harem MC than him.

She told me she will linger around for a while but not planning to cause trouble.

I just remembered when the Senko anime was airing. I wanted to summon a fox wife but concentrated way too hard on the fox part... That caused a bunch of IRL foxes coming out from the forest and sticking around my place. They got shot by hunters. Made me realize that I need to watch out what I wish for.